Parking lots for speech are great for making speech therapy fun for younger students.
My parking lots for speech are my most-used articulation activity with preschool students. The parking lots are easy-peasy and give me so much flexibility in my sessions. Plus, I never hear complaints when I bring out the toy cars! Parking lots for speech allow me to see my 3-6 year old articulation and phonology students in the same group AND work on the same activity despite the students having different speech sound or phonological pattern goals. Running groups with young children can certainly be a challenge! All you need to provide is the toy cars. If you don’t have any available, there are vehicle cards included in the packet!
Here’s how the parking lots for speech work!
Check out the black and white prevocalic /s/ blend parking lot pictured below. My students love to color the black and white parking lots!
Contents of parking lots for speech!
I’ve included transportation-themed feedback flowers are great for giving feedback on sound production instead of my same old “good try” or “almost.” If a student’s production is perfect, I hold up the one that says, “winning speech.” If it needed some tweaking, I use “let’s fixit.” These are easy to assemble-just laminate, cut and glue the flowers on Popsicle sticks. Best of all, there are both color and black and white parking lots in the packet. I laminate the color parking lots and use them during therapy. The black and white parking lots (pictured below) can be sent home for homework or as summer speech programs! A set of parent directions are also included in the packet!

Perfect for summer programs or homework.

Parent direction sheet included!
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Toy Companion for Articulation!
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