Free digital materials for speech, language and social skills?
Yes please!
updated 1/23 I am planning for my teletherapy sessions and researching free digital speech and language materials for speech therapy, and I want to share them with you! There are some great digital, no print materials out there that can help you build up your no print materials library. I’ve organized them into the categories of speech, language and social skills. Many of these products are Boom cards. Are you new to Boom digital task cards?
Check out my post on Boom Cards in Speech and Language! Are you looking for digital materials for social communication? Click here!
If you’ve been hesitant to try no print materials during your speech therapy sessions, here’s an opportunity to try some without a hit to your wallet! Check out the free digital materials below…you might even find some new talented SLPs to follow! These materials can be used by brick and mortar SLPs and teletherapists. Let’s get to it!
Free Digital Materials for Speech:
1. Badger State Speechy
I have this set of minimal pairs cards for the velar sounds K,G. It begins with a mini lesson on K,G and then offers 15 cards of sorting K,G and T,D minimal pairs by beginning sound. Students can press the sound button to hear the words!
Boom Cards Freebie: Velar K,G Minimal Pairs
2. Stacy Crouse
has this awesome set of Boom digital task cards for the prevocalic /r/ sound:
Speech Stacks for Initial R Sound!
3. Speech Squirrel
has free crossword puzzles for /h/ and /w/:
Pronunciation Partners: /h/ articulation word search.
Free Digital Materials for Language:
4. Talking with Rebecca
has a great interactive pdf for working on prepositions that can be used in most pdf viewers. It’s designed for pre-k to grade 1. She includes a link to a tutorial if this is new for you!
Free! No Print Prepositions! There is also a Spanish version. Spanish! No Print Prepositions Freebie!
5. The Whimsical Word
has a fun no print freebie for retelling stories with visual cues. For grades 2-5. Whooo Can Retell a Story? Digital No Print Language Lesson Freebie! Check out her TPT store for other digital freebies for speech and language!
6. Language, Speech and Literacy, LSL
has a fun no print Halloween freebie for working on pronouns, verbs and wh questions with grades preschool to grade 2. Free No Print Halloween Pronouns, Verbs and Wh Questions!
7. Panda Speech
has a free no print dress up game that is an interactive, “tappable” pdf for preschool through grade 2. Use it as a reward activity or to work on clothing vocabulary! Free No Print Dress Up Game!
8. Speech Time Fun
has a free set of Boom cards for using context clues to figure out nonsense words. This engaging set works on tier one vocabulary! Context Clues using Nonsense Words Boom Cards.
9. Pomkat Speech
has a back to school freebie for older students. It can also be used to get to know a new student or when a new student enters an existing group. It includes a board game and goal-setting pages. Back to School for Older Speech/language Students!
10. My Teletherapy Room
has a print/no print open-ended birthday bash activity! It includes 2 game boards and 12 would you rather birthday questions for pre-k to grade 5. Print/no print Open-ended Birthday Bash Game Boards.
11. Ashley Rossi
also has this set of free phonemic awareness Boom cards for pre-k and kindergarten: Digital Task Cards: Beginning Sounds (drag and drop).
12. Badger State Speechy
Looking for materials for your middle or high school students? You’ll love this FREE set of BOOM cards for starting conversations that uses real photographs! Click on the picture below!
Interested in teaching social communication skills via teletherapy?
The website listed below offers free digital articulation activities!
SLP Websites: free teletherapy materials:
Speech Squirrel
has a website that offers unique games and activities for telepractice for both articulation and language. The activities are appropriate for a wide range of ages so check here if you are looking for middle school activities! GAH: Games for Telepractice! GAH: Games for Telepractice.
Social Media Resources for Digital Materials:
Are you a teletherapist? Consider joining this Facebook Group: Teletherapy Materials for Speech Language Pathologists . It is a place for sellers to share materials for teletherapy and SLPs to share materials (websites, online activities etc) with each other.
Join My Newsletter!

Thank you!! I downloaded and followed them all!!
Kirsten, that’s great. I hope you found some helpful materials!
Thank you for sharing all of these great Free digital speech and language materials!
Thanks for stopping by, Linda!
Thank you for these fabulous resources!
You are welcome!
Thank you so much for taking the time to share this information!
Thanks so much!
No Problem Denise!
Do you have any free material for kids with profound and multiple disabilities pls? I am a pmld teacher and at the moment due to the Corona virus I need to send online work for the parents to work with my class children. It is not easy to work with thes children in a virtual way. Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks.
Hi Marisa,
Unfortunatley, I don’t make many materials for children with profound disabilities. However, I know there are lots of free resources on the Boom Learning Website and Boom is offering free memberships during the coronavirus pandemic. Another place I would check is Susan Berkowitz’s store on the teachers pay teacher’s website. I wish you luck! Donna