An informal pragmatic skill screener on perspective taking with preschool and elementary children. Useful as part of an autism evaluation, home-based intervention, to gather data for progress reports and/or to form IEP or intervention goals. This screener is based on a familiar fairy tale, little red riding hood. When examining pragmatic skills, it’s important to look at how a child both understands (receptive language) and expresses (expressive language) the skill and this screener examines both receptive and expressive skills of perspective taking.
A summary of perspective taking,
A link to a (free) storyboard created by the author telling the story of little red riding hood (or you can use your own book or online video),
Detailed instructions,
Summary page to help you document results of the screener,
Preschool data collection form,
Elementary data collection form,
12 pages of pictures/questions for child to respond to (preschool) containing stimuli for understanding and stating feelings and thoughts of the characters,
28 pages of pictures/questions for child to respond to (elementary) containing stimuli for understanding and stating feelings and thoughts of the characters.
Each page contains one task for the child to respond to making it viable for both printed and online use.
The KG Neatly Printed font is used on all student materials for easy reading.
Why use a fairy tale as a backdrop for a screener on perspective taking?
Familiar Fairy tales are easy to read and readers can expect what will happen next in the story.
Fairy tales are entertaining and offer clear competing perspectives of the characters in the story.
There are often actions from characters that promote highly emotional responses.
Traditional fairy tales are often told from one perspective in a relatively simple way. We are generally not shown the emotional layers or backgrounds of the villains.
Do you work with older students? I also have a perspective taking screener for preschool and elementary students.
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