How can SLPs use BOOM™ cards in speech and language therapy?
updated 1/23 Do you use boom™ cards in your speech and language sessions? Boom learning platform is accessible via a web browser and is optimized for mobile browsers too. Perfect for speech therapy and available on these devices as long as you have an internet connection:
- Smartboard
- Laptop
- Android Smartphone,
- Android Tablet,
- Ipad,
- Iphone.
This post is completely on Boom cards for social skills!
How are Boom Cards helpful for SLPs?
- Boom learning allows SLPs and teachers to create or purchase interactive decks of task cards. There are also lots of free decks for speech and language on Boom! Students love getting the immediate visual and auditory feedback on their responses. These task cards are used similarly to actual cards but they are presented on a web platform. Plus, we know that students love working with technology!
Boom learning activities available on TPT: Check out this freebie of mine on TPT:
- You can make a move towards going paperless with Boom. No more printing, cutting and laminating task cards! Say good-bye to Velcro and glue! What a timesaver for busy SLPs.
- Most Boom cards are self-checking. That means, you can assign boom cards to students in your group while you work individually with a student. They are great for your RTI and mixed group toolboxes!
- Any set of Boom Cards purchased on TpT allows you to forever play the Boom Cards using Fast Play. Fast Play does not save student progress reports but does provide you and your students unlimited and lifetime play of the decks you purchase from TpT.
Looking for Boom Cards™ on social skills?
Check out my products in the My Boom Learning Store! I create Boom cards for social communication, articulation and language. I love to create for older students. Check out my BOOM deck on topic appropriateness below.
Boom Cards on TPT:
You can also purchase them through My Teachers Pay Teachers Store. My “no print” inventory is always growing, so please check back often! Do a search on TPT for “boom cards”. Once your purchase (or try a free set) the seller will provide your with a link to your cards within a downloadable pdf. You will be able to access your cards once you are logged in to your Boom account. You will only enhance your speech therapy sessions by using these task cards.
This will give you and your students access to any set of flashcards/card decks that you purchase and decks that are free! You can access those cards from any digital device, including your smart phone.
Boom Membership Options:
To use Boom Cards, you must be connected to the Internet. Boom Cards play on modern browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge). Apps are available for Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires. For security and privacy, adults must have a Boom Learning account to use and assign Boom Cards. You will be able to assign the Boom Cards you are buying with “Fast Pins,” (play provides instant feedback for self-grading Boom Cards). Fast Play is always a free way for students to engage with Boom Cards decks. For additional assignment options you’ll need a premium account. If you are new to Boom Learning, you will be offered a free trial of our premium account. Read here for details:
This link to boom learning support will help you decide which membership option best meets your needs. The prices range from free for a starter account to the “ultimate” package where you can create unlimited decks of Boom cards.
Do you still need more information? That’s great, you are thorough! Check out this overview on Boom: Boom Learning Overview: Youtube.
Let me leave you with one last tidbit. Boom learning has an awesome support network from their internal support team on the Boom Facebook Page.
Disclaimer: I sell products on Boom but I am in no way affiliated with Boom Learning.
Boom Learning: Give it a try in your speech and language sessions!
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