Updated 8/2022 Preventative vs. Remedial Approaches SLPs have many tools for remediating the r sound in speech therapy. Have your ever thought of what can be done using a preventative approach? I’m excited to share one way I have addressed articulation of the r sound from a preventive (not remedial) standpoint. Have you taken a deeeep breath when you’ve gotten… Read More
Language Use Inventory: Assessment of Pragmatics in Young Children
Is assessment of pragmatic skills of young children part of your SLP job? In my position as a school-based Speech Pathologist, I perform assessments on children from the age of 30 months and older. In Wisconsin, the eligibility criteria requires that a child score at or below 1.75 standard deviations below the mean on 2 standardized tests as one prong… Read More
Social Communication or Pragmatics Therapy: Five Principles
Pragmatics. Social Communication. Social smarts. Social Language. updated 1/2023 You can’t put a value on helping children improve their pragmatics skills or social communication skills with others. I believe it’s just as important, if not more so in many instances, as working on speech and language skills that build a child’s academic performance. This post is dedicated to addressing five… Read More
App Review: SpeechTutor
I love using Ipad apps in speech and language therapy. I try not to let technology rule my life but it’s hard when there are so many great apps that help our students become more engaged in their learning. I have been using “SpeechTutor” for years and I love it. Here are the pros and cons of this app. PROS:… Read More