Is assessment of pragmatic skills of young children part of your SLP job? In my position as a school-based Speech Pathologist, I perform assessments on children from the age of 30 months and older. In Wisconsin, the eligibility criteria requires that a child score at or below 1.75 standard deviations below the mean on 2 standardized tests as one prong… Read More
Social Communication or Pragmatics Therapy: Five Principles
Pragmatics. Social Communication. Social smarts. Social Language. updated 1/2023 You can’t put a value on helping children improve their pragmatics skills or social communication skills with others. I believe it’s just as important, if not more so in many instances, as working on speech and language skills that build a child’s academic performance. This post is dedicated to addressing five… Read More
App Review: SpeechTutor
I love using Ipad apps in speech and language therapy. I try not to let technology rule my life but it’s hard when there are so many great apps that help our students become more engaged in their learning. I have been using “SpeechTutor” for years and I love it. Here are the pros and cons of this app. PROS:… Read More
Parking Lots for Speech!! Toy Companion for Therapy!
Parking lots for speech are great for making speech therapy fun for younger students. My parking lots for speech are my most-used articulation activity with preschool students. The parking lots are easy-peasy and give me so much flexibility in my sessions. Plus, I never hear complaints when I bring out the toy cars! Parking lots for speech allow me to… Read More