A perseverative thought social story, social narrative with both color and black and white versions. Feeling “stuck” can happen when children are constant thinking about a certain activity or topic to the point where it interferes with their social and academic functioning. It can also occur when a child is disregulated and feels stuck on an emotion, often anger or frustration and struggles with emotional regulation. A third example is when a child is stuck on talking about only one topic or thing and it interferes significantly with their social communication. This product contains intervention activities for these situations that can occur with an autistic child.
You will receive a downloadable pdf with a perseverative thought social story that contains the following:
a 14 page color social narrative containing clip art,
a 14 page black and white version of the social narrative,
2 pages of color calming strategies with images, 8 strategies on each page (can use as a choice menu),
2 pages of black and white calming strategies with images, 8 strategies on each page (can send home with child),
2 pages of black and white supporting activities. Check out the accompanying activity packet!
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