Are you looking for social skills websites for your online instruction for teletherapy, speech therapy or distance learning? This blog post is for you then! The sites are in no particular order and I am including the sites that I use in my digital social skills arsenal! These include sites that have social skills materials specifically for online learning. I have also included some game websites that can be useful for playing games and practicing social emotiional and social skills. You might also find this prior blog post on social skills and teletherapy or using youtube for social skills, helpful! Although these sites feature online, digital materials for speech therapy and learning, they can also be pulled up on the computer by a brick and mortar SLP or teacher! While I always aim to be thorough, this should not be considered an exhaustive list of social skills sites for online learning.
BOOM Learning
Boom learning offers online learning games for all ages and is a great social skills and speech therapy digital activities website. You need a boom learning account and there is a free option available. Boom has many free and paid games. Free accounts are available but you can only play using fast play. Search Tip: You can find social skills products in these categories: “social emotional, speech therapy and special education.”
Teachers Pay Teachers (TPT)
A great speech therapy and social skills website is Teachers Pay Teachers. They offer a free buyer’s membership. There is a large variety of free and paid social skills activities including social stories, activities and games. The library of digital online activities is large and is growing! Search tip: add “distancelearning” to your social skills materials search to find materials that can be used online. TPT now has a new digital overlay platform (called EASEL). You can use static pdfs on the platform and turn them into interactive activities individualized by you to the needs of your students and assigned to google classroom.
Flip is free and you can send students a link and an access code to access the assignment or they can create an account with a Microsoft or Google email. I use it to assign a social skill to practice and have my students videotape themselves practicing the skill and then send the video to me via flipgrid.. There is a section of already-made assignments sorted by age! Use for younger and older students. Add it to your speech therapy arsenal!
YouTube is at the top of my social skills websites list! www.YouTube.com Videos can be used to either introduce a topic or as the actual therapy material. If you search on Instagram using #youtubemonday you will find SLP recommendations for YouTube videos for social skills and more! Search tip: on YouTube, search for wordless or Pixar videos or check out the ESMA animation movies. Be sure to view the video prior to showing it to your student or use viewpure.
Baamboozle: www.baamboozle.com is a free website from the American Association of School Librarians! No student accounts are needed. There is a growing number of social skills games and you can make games and share the code with your students. Search Tip: search for “social skills.” You can also play other games on the site and reinforce your social skills objectives while playing!

Zones of Regulation
The Zones of Regulation website has some free downloadable activities and ideas for incorporating the Zones curriculum into the distance learning model. I also love their “book nook” which contains recommended books for teaching the zones curriculum but you will then need to search for online versions of the book.
5 Point Scale
5 Point Scale: www.5pointscale.com is a free website and it contains educational videos on Kari Dunn Buron’s 5 point scale (great for teaching parents the benefits of using the scale) AND there are FREE downloadable templates that you can modify for your students.
PBS Kids
PBS Kids: www.pbskids.org You can easily share tasks from PBS Kids via email or to your Google classroom! Search Tips: For preschool students, go to subjects-Preschool-social-emotional development. I like the Daniel Tiger videos and songs!
Social Skills for Middle School Students
Social Skills for Middle School Students: offers free lessons on discrete social skills such as accepting an apology and downloadable rubrics for middle school students.
Jeopardy Labs
Jeopardy Labs: www.jeopardylabs.com Build you own jeopardy game or use the existing ones! You don’t need an account to play. Have your students shout their names or use the chat box to “buzz in” if you play it like the real jeopardy!

Badger State Speechy
Badger State Speechy: www.badgerstatespeechy.com offers free monthly digital social skills lesson plans for middle and high school students. You can sign up here. Search tip: Go to blog and click on “social skills group therapy plans.” The therapy plans are organized by month.
Thomas and Friends
Thomas and Friends: www.thomasandfriends.com offers free downloads, (simple puzzles, coloring pages, games) for use with your younger Thomas-obsessed students! I use for motivators and reinforcers.
Toy Theater
Toy Theater: www.toytheater.com is a great source of games for practicing social skills. They offer free games for first through eighth grade and free online spinners, timer, stopwatch and dice to make any lesson more interactive. You can practice turn-taking, social communication, emotional regulation, losing gracefully and more while you play checkers, Uno, chess, darts, memory games and so much more on this free website!
Funology: www.funology.com is a great free site for accessing trivia, jokes and riddles. Teaching students to tell jokes and riddles can be a valuable communication skill for them.
Autism Teaching Strategies
Autism Teaching Strategies: www.autismteachingstrategies.com/joel-shaul offers free social skills downloads that are teletherapy-friendly! Some of my favorites are the corona cards and the positive behavior game board. Search tip: look for “teletherapy resources for social and emotional skills.” I love his idea of throwing a virtual ball back and forth while targeting specific skills.
Match the Memory
Match the memory: www.matchthememory.com You can sign in with Microsoft, Google or Facebook. There are some memory games related to social skills OR you can practice social skills while playing a memory game. I use this site frequently during teletherapy. Search tip: Search for “conversation.”
Make Beliefs Comix
Make Beliefs Comix: www.makebeliefscomix.com/comix/ allows you to create comics using their templates and starters! Use comic strips to teach new social skills and perspective taking, practice conversation skills and as a way to process and understand behavioral incidents and communication breakdowns. Make sure you check out their free e-books too!
Video Subscription Services
We know that video is a powerful tool for teaching social competencies. Video allows the student to take in all the social signals that are provided in dynamic social situations.
Check out these sites!
If you have a favorite social skills resources website that can be used for onliine learning, please share it in the comments!

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